Answer the Bell

It has always been funny to me that the verb “doing” is spelled exactly like the sound effect that is sometimes used when describing a off-key bell: “DOING!”. What I have noted in all of the personal development courses, books, videos, blogs, Vlogs, CD’s, tapes, and seminars I have seen is that you will not get where you want to go unless you are doing something about it.

The steps are generally the same:

1. Write down what you want
2. Start doing what needs to be done to get there

I do not disagree with this at all. Obviously, you cannot sit back and wait for life to happen. One person’s “Why” will be always be unique to another’s and neither will be more valuable or necessarily more important than another’s. The only real difference between people who get to where they want to go, and those that do not, is Step 2. The people that make it to where they want to be will answer the call of that off-key bell and start: DOING!

Don’t Wait!

Waiting for everything to be perfect before you begin your life as an entrepreneur is procrastinating. If you truly desire success, you must be willing to take the risks associated with it. If a baby bird stays in the nest too long, the mother bird will force it out, whether it can fly or not, because it will have become too much of a burden to the mother bird, but more importantly, to itself. We are fortunate that as entrepreneurs we do not have to fear being pushed from a great height, but if we don’t push ourselves, we will not experience any successes or failures to learn from, and what’s the point of that?

Don't Wait!

Waiting for everything to be perfect before you begin your life as an entrepreneur is procrastinating. If you truly desire success, you must be willing to take the risks associated with it. If a baby bird stays in the nest too long, the mother bird will force it out, whether it can fly or not, because it will have become too much of a burden to the mother bird, but more importantly, to itself. We are fortunate that as entrepreneurs we do not have to fear being pushed from a great height, but if we don’t push ourselves, we will not experience any successes or failures to learn from, and what’s the point of that?